
Alphabetized by last name.

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Darryl Blaine

Born on Mars in GSC 225, Darryl Blaine would go on to become one of the most prolific entrepreneurs and town-founders in the history of the galaxy.

Zoe Bonnard was a famous explorer during Era-1.

The Emperor of Mankind, Potus Clarke led the Holy Empire of Man.

Dr. Cyclone was one of the most notorious pirates in the galaxy, and an important leader in the Hand of Eris.

Kroah Dashan was a prolific inventor in the Empire of 1,000,000 Suns, and a member of the Poet caste.

Gina, developed by Gazillion Inc., was a popular AI personal assistant during Era-1.

Amadeus Krieg

Amadeus Krieg is a reclusive asteroid mining tycoon, founder of Krieg Enterprises.

Sarnak The Immortal

Sarnak was a powerful Star-god, accidentally created by Cosmid, Inc.

Troniac, the computer-god was a mysterious supercomputer that led the robots of the galaxy in the pursuit of freedom.

Saint Valgar was a missionary, vital in the early history of the Church of God.

General Zarlok was a robot designed to defeat Troniac, that later went on to join Troniac, and become a long-time enemy of both the Planetary League and the Holy Empire of Man.