The Orgaff


The Orgaff (from the vorgon words 'Orr' - mighty, and 'Gaff'- beast) is a large animal native to New Albuquerque.  Often used as a pack animal, the Orgaff's enormous body and stout legs store an abundance of water and nutrients for long desert treks.  Their habits are diurnal and herbivorous, grazing on whatever vegetation presents itself.

Before the catastrophe that turned New Albuquerque's climate into a desert, Orgaffs were migratory, returning to the same regions each year for mating season.  As the planet dried and Orgaff populations dwindled, they became asexual, reproducing through parthenogenesis.  Wild Orgaffs are solitary creatures, though they can be fairly social when in captivity.

The high hump on the Orgaff's back is topped with a secondary pair of eyes that constantly scan the horizon for trouble while the creature's main brain is concentrated on finding edible plants.

An average adult Orgaff stands about 3 meters tall (2.5 at the shoulder), weighing around 2300 kg. Rare specimens have been found to exceed 4 meters, some weighing as much as 7000 kg.

Orgaffs give off a pungent odor when wet, and to say someone “Smells like a wet Orgaff.” is a not uncommon insult on certain planets, particularly in and around the Vorgon Empire.
