


Gabriel is a planet deep in the heart of the Veil of Fear, a nebula famous for making human visitors feel uneasy due to its slowly oscillating magnetic fields.  Being a little too far from its star, extensive terraforming was needed when it was colonized by the Planetary League late in Era-1

Even after terraforming, the dominant biomes were arctic, taiga, and steppes.  Despite this, it was still strategically located, and populated enough to become a regional capitol, and supported the largest garrison in the sector.  

At the end of Era-1, a young and aggressive general, Potus Clarke, was assigned to lead the garrison.  Clarke had bigger ambitions, however, and when news got out that the Planetary League had made contact with the long rumored and dreaded Empire of 1,000,000 Suns, he seized the opportunity.  Assisted by the Church of God, (an extremist religious group, combining elements of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), and a number of mega-corporations, Clarke founded the Holy Empire of Man.  

Gabriel was the capitol of the Holy Empire of Man throughout Era-2, even though the Emperor did maintain a palace on Earth after the end of the Great Reckoning.  

At the end of the war of Galactic Unification, after the Emperor's defeat, the remaining loyalists to the Empire rallied on Gabriel for a final stand.  There was a brief siege, and an even briefer battle as the Galactic Republic took over the planet.

In Era-3, Gabriel was largely turned over to parkland, historical memorials, and museums with some agriculture and industry.